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If you want to play the game well, what do you need to eat?

For many gamers, the importance of food choices may be overlooked. Because the more you choose to eat, The time to play games will be less and less. The food that will be chosen first is probably instant noodles or ordering simple food to eat and most importantly, it must be eaten with sweet drinks. Saves time and is so delicious, who can resist?

But actually, eating habits may affect gaming performance more than everyone thinks.
For example, nectar is a favorite of many people. The main component of nectar is sugar.

It may be something that many gamers don't pay attention to because in normal life we ​​all eat sugar. But this is the evil one that causes our efficiency to decrease. “Lack of concentration, mood swings. Less ability to remember.” These 3 things are the effects of eating sugar. You see, maybe these small things that many gamers overlook may have a bigger impact on gameplay than we think.

After reading until now, everyone is probably thinking: “If eating these things is bad, then what do you have to eat to be good?”, right? Don't worry, today we have gathered together foods that will help increase the efficiency of playing games for everyone. Let's start with the first type of food.

Green leafy vegetables (such as kale, spinach, parsley, zucchini)

First of all, it's vegetables. But everyone is in a hurry. Even though the name of green leafy vegetables may not sound appetizing at all, the benefits are many.
Because in green leafy vegetables there is "Lutein" that will help perform functions related to vision. Helps you see the picture clearly. and see the details of the image better When we play games or stay in front of the screen for long periods of time, Lutein can help a lot.

For gamers who don't eat vegetables, don't be sad because the substance "Lutein" can also be found in egg yolks, kiwis, grapes, and corn as well.

Let's pass. For the first food that will help increase our game performance. The first thing I opened was vegetables. Many people have read it until now. You may feel that Why must nutritious food be unappetizing? But the second type that we are about to recommend to everyone is guaranteed to be easy for everyone to eat because of that.

Meat (such as fish, chicken, pork, beef), milk, yogurt, and cheese

The second type makes my mouth water just seeing its name. Unlike leafy green vegetables, the meat that we all eat regularly has L-Tyrosine is a neurotransmitter that is of primary importance to the body because L-Tyrosine It has the function of stimulating and modifying various functions of the brain, whether it helps restore memory. Helps stimulate feelings It also results in better alertness after sleep deprivation, but not being sleep deprived is the best thing for every gamer.

Next is the third one. This type of food many gamers probably already like.

green tea

Many people may be confused about how green tea helps us play games better. But because green tea contains the substance "L-Theanine" (L-Theanine) that will help create relaxation. and reduce stress Makes us feel calmer and more focused. It also makes us sleep more soundly. For playing games that require a lot of focus, I can tell you that it's the perfect answer. Plus, green tea is the easiest thing to find.

These are all foods that gamers should eat to optimize their gaming performance.

But if we had to go find those foods to eat every day, it probably wouldn't work. Today, I have good things to share with everyone with REFLEX, a nutritional supplement created specifically for gamers and E-sports athletes.

by REFLEX has been specifically designed to help strengthen the body and increase efficiency in playing games. Especially when we need to respond quickly. That is, it's very appropriate. For the main components of the reflex It will contain natural nutrients that are beneficial to the gamer's body, such as

1) Green Tea Extract: relaxes the mood, calms the nerves, refreshes and brightens the eyes.

2) Marigold extract: helps to see images clearly. See the details of the picture clearly

3) L-Tyrosin : Modifies brain function. Enabling you to be able to handle stressful conditions even better.

4) L-Theanine: Reduces stress, increases concentration, and can focus more than ever.

5) L-Phenylalanine : Prepares the body for stressful situations, excitement and tension.

6) Pyridoxine hydrochloride : Adjusts hormonal balance. Stimulate the brain to secrete more relaxing substances.

Have you seen the benefits of Reflex yet? Take just 1 pill before playing a game and you can tackle every field. 🔥 If anyone is interested, contact Line @reflexforgamers.

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